Episode 161: A Pastor's Side Hustle with Ruth Hetland

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Over the last few years, I started to hear a new phrase one that might be new to you as well: side hustle.  A side hustle is a way to make money in addition to your full-time or part-time job.  It’s also a way to explore a new career.  Side hustles can be a way for folk in lower paying jobs, like, I dunno being a pastor in a congregation, to earn some money and also gain some new skills.  Today we talk to Ruth Hetland, a Lutheran pastor living in Minnesota who started a side hustle to support women in ministry.

Show notes:
One Pastor's Side Hustle: Subscription Boxes for Women in Ministry article from Church Anew
ConseCrate website
Creative and Created Podcast

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Episode 161: A Pastor's Side Hustle with Ruth Hetland
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